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الاثنين، 8 يونيو 2015



           The radius of the ion while considering it spherical is called ionic radius.
Positive ion is always smaller in size than the neutral atom from which it is formed. 
It is due to two reasons
In many atoms, outermost shell is lost due to removal of one or more electrons
In positive ions no. of electrons are reduced but positive charge on nucleus remains same. Therefore nucleus powerfully attracts outer electrons inward resulting in decrease of ionic radius.

Ionic Radii Of Negative Ion. (Anions)

           An atom gains one or more electrons to form anion. 
Negative ion is always larger in size than the neutral atom from which it is formed. 

In negative ions, no. of electrons are increased but positive charge on nucleus remains same. Therefore hold of nucleus on outer electron decreases resulting in the increase of ionic radius. 

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