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الاثنين، 8 يونيو 2015




1.      Like Alkali metals hydrogen has only one electron in its outermost s-orbital. 
2.      Like Alkali metals, hydrogen can loose its one electron from outermost 1s1 orbital to form H+ ion. 
3.      Both hydrogen and alkali metals have strong tendency to combine with halogens to form halides.
4.      Like alkali metals, Ionic compounds of hydrogen ionizes in water to give H+ ion.         
5.      During electrolysis of H2O, hydrogen is obtained at cathode. Similarly during electrolysis of fused salt of alkali metals, these are obtained at cathode. 


1.      Alkali metals are solid while hydrogen is a gas.
2.      Hydrgen needs only one electron  to complete it’s valence shell while alkali metals need seven electrons to complete  their outermost shell.
3.      Hydrogen can exist in diatomic form(H2 ) in open atmosphere while alkali metals cannot exist in diatomic form.
4.      M+ ions of alkali metals are stable in aq. solution, while H+ ion is not stable and exist mainly as H3O+ ion. 
5.      Hydrogen does not loose its electron as quickly as alkali metals
Alkali metals generally form ionic compounds while hydrogen generally forms covalent compounds.

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